Optimal Health Uncovered
Optimal Health Uncovered is a podcast created by a group of health and wellness professionals located in the New York metropolitan area who aim to empower you to live better. From specific injuries to general fitness trends, diets to sleep habits, the experts at Performance Optimal Health are dedicated to bringing you the latest evidence-based research on the topics that matter most. If you have questions or want to hear about something specific in an upcoming episode, send an email to podcast@performanceoptimalhealth.com and be sure to check out Performance on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more tips on achieving Optimal Health.
Optimal Health Uncovered
E31: Lara Spencer – a client's perspective on Optimal Health
Todd welcomes special guest and Good Morning America host, Lara Spencer, to the podcast. Lara Spencer is also the star of Flea Market Flip on HGTV. A a long-time client at Performance, Lara discusses her journey towards Optimal Health, as well as her life-changing hip surgery and what she does to stay fit and healthy in its aftermath. Lara and Todd also touch upon her health and wellness lifestyle as a television star, mother, wife and athlete.
Lara Spencer
Host for ABC Good Morning America (GMA)
Star of Flea Market Flip
Lara Spencer is a client and a friend of Todd and Performance
4 pillars of Optimal Health
Lara is trying to workout and stay healthy and eat some good food during the holidays
This is Lara Spencer’s very first podcast
Lara Spencer started her journey with Performance in April of 2016
Groin injury that would not go away
Lara is an avid tennis player with tennis elbow
Lara Spencer went to HSS to see Peter Moley for her groin injury
Elbow was fine and needed a hip replacement
Dr. Edwin Sue put it off
Stave off surgery so we didn’t have to do another hip replacement
No cartilage left in her hip
Congenital hip dysplasia
Lara plays tennis, works out and plays golf
Lara Spencer was a student athlete in high school and at Penn State
Diver in high school and college
Transition from athlete to a life and career path
Never worked out consistently
Lara Spencer says she has a remarkable metabolism
Strength training
Sport specific for tennis or golf
Allows the body to recover
How active do you keep yourself
How much are you eating or drinking alcohol
Knowing how long it takes to recover
Cooperating with your body rather than challenging your body
Works out and does something healthy everyday
Recovery is incredibly helpful
Massage is more than an indulgence, it’s a part of her recovery
How has nutrition changed over the past 4 or 5 years
Lara Spencer: Plant based diet makes her feel better
Alcohol intake has decreased
Body has a harder time in keeping up with the toxicity of the alcohol
Breathing techniques and meditating to relieve stress
What in GMA (Good morning America) speaks to you?
Longevity in life
How we eat and sleep